男性 | 2,674(59.6%) |
年齢 | 73.6±10.9 |
心房細動種別 | 発作性:2,223(49.5%) |
持続性/永続性:2,266(50.5%) | |
体重 (kg) | 59.4±13.5 |
脳卒中 | 808 (18.0%) |
心不全 | 1,227 (27.3%) |
高血圧 | 2,833(63.1%) |
糖尿病 | 1,062 (23.7%) |
CHADS2 | 2.03±1.33 |

Akao M, et al. Circ J. 2022;86:726-36.
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医療法人健幸会 むかいじま病院
若月 芳雄、東谷 暢也、八幡 光彦
医療法人社団淀さんせん会 金井病院
神谷 康隆、阿部 充、石井 充、西尾 真季
河野 忠義、河野 裕
栗原 眞純
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高 謙一郎
藤田 明子
中山 治樹
高安 文哉、高安 聡
伊藤 坦
伊藤 坦、大森 芳明
黒田 紀
矢野 豊
仁木 俊一郎
長谷川 滋人
渡邉 亨
- Akao M, Chun Y, Wada H, Esato M, Hashimoto T, Abe M, Hasegawa K, Tsuji H and Furuke K. Current status of clinical background of patients with atrial fibrillation in a community-based survey: The Fushimi AF Registry. J Cardiol. 2013;61:260-266.
- Akao M, Chun YH, Esato M, Abe M, Tsuji H, Wada H and Hasegawa K. Inappropriate use of oral anticoagulants for patients with atrial fibrillation. Circ J. 2014;78:2166-72.
- Hamatani Y, Ogawa H, Uozumi R, Iguchi M, Yamashita Y, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Morita S and Akao M. Low body weight is associated with the incidence of stroke in atrial fibrillation patients - Insight from the Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2015;79:1009-17.
- Hamatani Y, Yamashita Y, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GY and Akao M. Predictors for stroke and death in non-anticoagulated Asian patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0142394.
- Ogawa H, Akao M, Suzuki S, Yamashita T, Okumura K, Atarashi H and Inoue H. Antiplatelet therapy in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation without oral anticoagulants: Pooled analysis of Shinken Database, J-RHYTHM registry and Fushimi AF registry. Int J Cardiol. 2015;190:344-6.
- Suzuki S, Yamashita T, Okumura K, Atarashi H, Akao M, Ogawa H and Inoue H. Incidence of ischemic stroke in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation not receiving anticoagulation therapy. Circ J. 2015;79:432-8.
- Takabayashi K, Hamatani Y, Yamashita Y, Takagi D, Unoki T, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Ogawa H, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GY and Akao M. Incidence of stroke or systemic embolism in paroxysmal versus sustained atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi Atrial Fibrillation Registry. Stroke. 2015;46:3354-61.
- Hamatani Y, Ogawa H, Takabayashi K, Yamashita Y, Takagi D, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GY and Akao M. Left atrial enlargement is an independent predictor of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Sci Rep. 2016;6:31042.
- Hsu JC, Akao M, Abe M, Anderson KL, Avezum A, Glusenkamp N, Kohsaka S, Lane DA, Lip GYH, Ma CS, Masoudi FA, Potpara TS, Siong TW, Turakhia MP, Tse HF, Rumsfeld JS and Maddox TM. International collaborative partnership for the study of atrial fibrillation (INTERAF): Rationale, design, and initial descriptives. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016;5.
- Senoo K, An Y, Ogawa H, Lane DA, Wolff A, Shantsila E, Akao M and Lip GYH. Stroke and death in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation in Japan compared with the United Kingdom. Heart. 2016;102:1878-1882.
- Yamashita Y, Hamatani Y, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GY and Akao M. Clinical characteristics and outcomes in extreme elderly (age >/=85) Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. Chest. 2016;149:401-12.
- Yamashita Y, Takagi D, Hamatani Y, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Chun YH, Itoh H, Nishimura M, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M and Akao M. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of dialysis patients with atrial fibrillation: the Fushimi AF Registry. Heart Vessels. 2016;31:2025-2034.
- Abe M, Ogawa H, Ishii M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Lip GY and Akao M. Relation of stroke and major bleeding to creatinine clearance in patients with atrial fibrillation (from the Fushimi AF Registry). Am J Cardiol. 2017;119:1229-1237.
- Esato M, Chun YH, An Y, Ogawa H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Tsuji H, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Clinical impact of asymptomatic presentation status in patients with paroxysmal and sustained atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. Chest. 2017;152:1266-1275.
- Ishii M, Ogawa H, Unoki T, An Y, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M and Akao M. Relationship of hypertension and systolic blood pressure with the risk of stroke or bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. American journal of hypertension. 2017;30:1073-1082.
- Ogawa H, Hamatani Y, Doi K, Tezuka Y, An Y, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Sex-related differences in the clinical events of patients with atrial fibrillation- The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2017;81:1403-1410.
- Ogawa H, Senoo K, An Y, Shantsila A, Shantsila E, Lane DA, Wolff A, Akao M and Lip GYH. Clinical features and prognosis in patients with atrial fibrillation and prior stroke: Comparing the Fushimi and Darlington AF Registries. EBioMedicine. 2017;18:199-203.
- Yamashita Y, Uozumi R, Hamatani Y, Esato M, Chun YH, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M, Morita S and Akao M. Current status and outcomes of direct oral anticoagulant use in real-world atrial fibrillation patients- Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2017;81:1278-1285.
- An Y, Esato M, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Clinical characteristics and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation receiving rhythm-control therapy: the Fushimi AF Registry. Heart Vessels. 2018;33:1534-1546.
- Iguchi M, Tezuka Y, Ogawa H, Hamatani Y, Takagi D, An Y, Unoki T, Ishii M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Incidence and risk factors of stroke or systemic embolism in patients with atrial fibrillation and heart failure- The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2018;82:1327-1335.
- Masunaga N, Abe M, Ogawa H, Aono Y, Ikeda S, Doi K, An Y, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Lip GYH and Akao M. Current status, time trends and outcomes of combination therapy with oral anticoagulant and antiplatelet drug in patients with atrial fibrillation- The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2018;82:2983-2991.
- Ogawa H, An Y, Ikeda S, Aono Y, Doi K, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Progression from paroxysmal to sustained atrial fibrillation is associated with increased adverse events. Stroke. 2018;49:2301-2308.
- Yasuda K, Fukuda S, Nakamura M, Ohtani R, Kuwata Y, Takata M, Sainouchi M, Gotou M, Masuda Y, Kawarazaki S, Kawabata Y, Murase N, Aoki T, Yonemoto N, Akao M and Tsukahara T. Predictors of cardioembolic stroke in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation in the Fushimi AF Registry. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra. 2018;8:50-59.
- An Y, Ogawa H, Esato M, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Aono Y, Ikeda S, Doi K, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Age-dependent prognostic impact of paroxysmal versus sustained atrial fibrillation on the incidence of cardiac death and heart failure hospitalization (the Fushimi AF Registry). Am J Cardiol. 2019;124:1420-1429.
- An Y, Ogawa H, Yamashita Y, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Causes of death in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi Atrial Fibrillation Registry. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. 2019;5:35-42.
- Miyazawa K, Ogawa H, Mazurek M, Shantsila E, Lane DA, Wolff A, Akao M and Lip GYH. Guideline-adherent treatment for stroke and death in atrial fibrillation patients from UK and Japanese AF Registries. Circ J. 2019;83:2434-2442.
- Abe M, Masunaga N, Ishii M, Doi K, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Aono Y, An Y, Iguchi M, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H and Akao M. Current status of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. J Cardiol. 2020;75:513-520.
- An Y, Ogawa H, Esato M, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Fujino A, Ide Y, Hamatani Y, Doi K, Ikeda S, Ishigami K, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Cardiovascular events and mortality in patients with atrial fibrillation and anemia (from the Fushimi AF Registry). Am J Cardiol. 2020;134:74-82.
- Doi K, Ogawa H, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Aono Y, Hamatani Y, Fujino A, An Y, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M and Akao M. Impact of valvular heart disease on mortality, thromboembolic and cardiac events in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation- The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2020;84:714-722.
- Iguchi M, Hamatani Y, Sugiyama H, Ishigami K, Aono Y, Ikeda S, Doi K, Fujino A, An Y, Ishii M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M and Akao M. Different impact of resting heart rate on adverse events in paroxysmal and sustained atrial fibrillation - The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2020;84:2138-2147.
- Ogawa H, An Y, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Doi K, Hamatani Y, Fujino A, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Long-term clinical outcomes after major bleeding in patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. 2020;7:163-171.
- Okumura K, Tomita H, Nakai M, Kodani E, Akao M, Suzuki S, Hayashi K, Sawano M, Goya M, Yamashita T, Fukuda K, Ogawa H, Tsuda T, Isobe M, Toyoda K, Miyamoto Y, Miyata H, Okamura T and Sasahara Y. Risk factors associated with ischemic stroke in Japanese patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3:e202881.
- Tezuka Y, Iguchi M, Hamatani Y, Ogawa H, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Association of relative wall thickness of left ventricle with incidence of thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. 2020;6:273-283.
- Esato M, An Y, Ogawa H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Tsuji H, Abe M and Akao M. Major adverse cardiovascular events and mortality after catheter ablation in Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF Registry. Heart Vessels. 2021;36:1219-1227.
- Hamatani Y, Iguchi M, Ueno K, Aono Y, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M, Morita S and Akao M. Prognostic significance of natriuretic peptide levels in atrial fibrillation without heart failure. Heart. 2021;107:705-712.
- Ide Y, Ogawa H, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Doi K, Hamatani Y, Fujino A, An Y, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Lip GYH and Akao M. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of very elderly patients with atrial fibrillation at high bleeding risk - The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ Rep. 2021;3:629-638.
- Ogawa H, An Y, Nishi H, Fukuda S, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Doi K, Ide Y, Hamatani Y, Fujino A, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M, Tsukahara T, Lip GYH and Akao M. Characteristics and clinical outcomes in atrial fibrillation patients classified using cluster analysis: the Fushimi AF Registry. Europace. 2021;23:1369-1379.
- Okumura K, Tomita H, Nakai M, Kodani E, Akao M, Suzuki S, Hayashi K, Sawano M, Goya M, Yamashita T, Fukuda K, Ogawa H, Tsuda T, Isobe M, Toyoda K, Miyamoto Y, Miyata H, Okamura T and Sasahara Y. A novel risk stratification system for ischemic stroke in Japanese patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Circ J. 2021;85:1254-1262.
- 赤尾 昌治, 小川 尚, 安 珍守, 石上 健二郎, 青野 佑哉, 池田 周平, 土井 康佑, 濱谷 康弘, 藤野 明子, 石井 充, 井口 守丈, 益永 信豊, 阿部 充. 心房細動患者の疾患・治療に対する理解度と、教育的介入による効果 TASK-AF伏見パイロットプログラム. 心臓. 2021;53:156-163.
- Akao M, Ogawa H, Masunaga N, Minami K, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Doi K, Hamatani Y, Yoshizawa T, Ide Y, Fujino A, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Tsuji H, Esato M and Abe M. 10-year trends of antithrombotic therapy status and outcomes in Japanese atrial fibrillation patients - The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2022;86:726-736.
- Esato M, An Y, Ogawa H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Tsuji H, Abe M and Akao M. Age-dependent risk for thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF registry. Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc. 2022;41:101055.
- Hamatani Y, Nishi H, Iguchi M, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Ogawa H, Abe M, Fukuda S and Akao M. Machine learning risk prediction for incident heart failure in patients with atrial fibrillation. JACC Asia. 2022;2:706-716.
- Kawaji T, Ogawa H, Hamatani Y, Kato M, Yokomatsu T, Miki S, Abe M and Akao M. Fine fibrillatory wave as a risk factor for heart failure events in patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Registry. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022;11:e024341.
- Kawaji T, Ogawa H, Hamatani Y, Kato M, Yokomatsu T, Miki S, Abe M and Akao M. Association of inverted T wave during atrial fibrillation rhythm with subsequent cardiac events. Heart. 2022;108:178-185.
- Kodani E, Tomita H, Nakai M, Akao M, Suzuki S, Hayashi K, Sawano M, Goya M, Yamashita T, Fukuda K, Ogawa H, Tsuda T, Isobe M, Toyoda K, Miyamoto Y, Miyata H, Okamura T, Sasahara Y and Okumura K. Impact of baseline blood pressure on adverse outcomes in Japanese patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: the J-RISK AF. Eur Heart J Open. 2022;2:oeac081.
- Masunaga N, Ogawa H, Minami K, Ishigami K, Ikeda S, Doi K, Hamatani Y, Yoshizawa T, Ide Y, Fujino A, Ishii M, Iguchi M, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Tsuji H, Esato M, Abe M and Akao M. Association of concomitant coronary artery disease with cardiovascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation - The Fushimi AF Registry. Circ J. 2022;86:1252-1262.
- Nishi H, Oishi N, Ogawa H, Natsue K, Doi K, Kawakami O, Aoki T, Fukuda S, Akao M and Tsukahara T. Predicting cerebral infarction in patients with atrial fibrillation using machine learning: The Fushimi AF registry. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2022;42:746-756.
- Ikeda S, An Y, Iguchi M, Ogawa H, Nakanishi Y, Minami K, Ishigami K, Aono Y, Doi K, Hamatani Y, Yoshizawa T, Ide Y, Fujino A, Ishii M, Masunaga N, Esato M, Tsuji H, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Abe M and Akao M. Proteinuria is independently associated with heart failure events in patients with atrial fibrillation: The Fushimi AF registry. Eur Heart J Qual Care Clin Outcomes. 2023.
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