Inoue T, Fu B, Nishio M, Tanaka M, Kato H, Tanaka M, Itoh M, Yamakage H, Ochi K, Ito A, Shiraki Y, Saito S, Ihara M, Nishimura H, Kawamoto A, Inoue S, Saeki K, Enomoto A, Suganami T, Satoh-Asahara N. Novel Therapeutic Potentials of Taxifolin for Obesity-Induced Hepatic Steatosis, Fibrogenesis, and Tumorigenesis. Nutrients, 15: 350, 2023.
Diabetes Res Cline Practに論文が掲載されました!
Satoh-Asahara N, Yamakage H, Tanaka T, Kawasaki T, Matsuura S, Tatebe H, Akiguchi I, Tokuda T. Soluble TREM2 and Alzheimer-related biomarker trajectories in the blood of patients with diabetes based on their cognitive status. Diabetes Res Cline Pract, Online ahead of print, 2022.
Scientific Reportsに論文が掲載されました!
Kawai S, Yamakage H, Kotani K, Noda M, Satoh-Asahara N, Hashimoto K. Analysis of time-dependent changes in the FIB4 index in obese patients receiving weight reduction therapy: Scientific Reports. 12:15219, 2022
BMJ Openに論文が採択されました!
Komiyama M, et al. Study protocol to determination of the effects of highly absorbable oral curcumin on the indicators of cognitive functioning: A double-blind randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open, accepted, 2022.
Eur Heart Jに論文が採択されました!
Funamoto M, Sunagawa Y, Ktanasaka Y, Kato T, Funada J, Ajiro Y, Komiyama M, Akao M, Yasoda A, Yamakage H, Satoh-Asahara N, Wada H, Ikeda Y, Morimoto T, Hasegawa K. Effects of High-Absorption Curcumin for the Prevention of Hypertensive Heart Disease: A Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Randomised Clinical Study. Eur Heart J. Accepted, 2022
Obes Sci Practに論文が採択されました!
Suzuki K, Tsujiguchi H, Hara A, Nakamura H, Kotani K, Noda M, Yamakage H, Satoh-Asahara N, Takamura T. Cystatin C-based eGFR predicts cardiovascular disease in patients with overweight/obesity and hyperglycemia. Obes Sci Pract. Accepted, 2022
JMIR Res Protocに論文が採択されました!
Hata A, Komiyama M, Yasoda A, Wada H, Yamakage H, Satoh-Asahara N, Morimoto T, Takahashi Y, Hasegawa K. Psychological Effects of Aromatherapy on Smokers With Depressive Tendencies During Smoking Cessation Treatment: Protocol for a Pre-Post Single-Arm Clinical Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 11: e38626, 2022
Tanaka M, Yamakage H, Muranaka K, Yamada T, Araki R, Ogo A, Matoba M, Watanabe T, Saito M, Kurita S, Yonezawa K, Tanaka T, Suzuki M, Sawamura M, Matsumoto M, Nishimura M, Kusakabe T, Wada H, Hasegawa K, Kotani K, Noda M, Satoh-Asahara N (corresponding). Higher serum soluble TREM2 as a potential indicative biomarker for cognitive impairment in inadequately controlled type 2 diabetes without obesity: the DOR-KyotoJ-1. Front. Endocrinol. 13:880148, 2022
Ikeue K, Kusakabe T, Muranaka K, Yamakage H, Inoue T, Ishii K, Satoh-Asahara N. A combined index of waist circumference and muscle quality is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factor accumulation in Japanese obese patients: A cross-sectional study. Endocrine. 77:30-40, 2022
Intern Medに論文が掲載されました!
Furuto-Kato S, Araki A, Chiba Y, Nakamura M, Shintani M, Kuwahara T, Yamakage H, Satoh-Asahara N, Tagami T. Relationship between the thyroid function and cognitive impairment in the elderly in Japan. Intern Med. Online ahead of print, 2022